CC 4.0 授權

本節內容取自以下連結的內容,並受 CC BY 4.0 授權條款約束。


Stats JSON

使用 Rspack 時,您可以使用以下命令生成統計模組資訊的 JSON 檔案,以分析模組的依賴關係

# Generate a statistical information JSON file named `compilation-stats.json`
$ rspack --json=compilation-stats.json



type StatsCompilation = {
  // Fixed simulated webpack version number for compatibility with plugins
  version?: string;
  // Current version number of rspack
  rspackVersion?: string;
  // Compilation name
  name?: string;
  // Compilation specific hash
  hash?: string;
  // Compilation time in milliseconds
  time?: number;
  // Compilation build end timestamp
  builtAt?: number;
  // The `output.publicPath` in the configuration
  publicPath?: string;
  // Path to rspack output directory
  outputPath?: string;
  // Chunk name to emitted asset(s) mapping
  assetsByChunkName?: Record<string, string[]>;
  // List of asset objects, refer to the "Asset Object"
  assets?: StatsAsset[];
  // List of chunk objects, refer to the "Chunk Object"
  chunks?: StatsChunk[];
  // List of module objects, refer to the "Module Object"
  modules?: StatsModule[];
  // Map of entry objects, refer to the "Entry/ChunkGroup Object"
  entrypoints?: Record<string, StatsChunkGroup>;
  // Map of named chunk groups, refer to the "Entry/ChunkGroup Object"
  namedChunkGroups?: Record<string, StatsChunkGroup>;
  // List of error objects, refer to the "Error/Warning Object"
  errors?: StatsError[];
  // Number of errors
  errorsCount?: number;
  // List of warning objects, refer to the "Error/Warning Object"
  warnings?: StatsWarnings[];
  // Number of warnings
  warningsCount?: number;



type StatsAsset = {
  // The `output` filename
  name: string;
  // The size of the file in bytes
  size: number;
  // Indicates whether or not the asset made it to the `output` directory
  emitted: boolean;
  // The chunk IDs this asset related
  chunks: Array<string | undefined | null>;
  // The chunks this asset related
  chunkNames: Array<string>;
  // The chunk idHints this asset related
  chunkIdHints: Array<string>;
  // The chunk IDs this auxiliary asset related
  auxiliaryChunks: Array<string | undefined | null>;
  // The chunks this auxiliary asset related
  auxiliaryChunkNames: Array<string>;
  // The chunk idHints this auxiliary asset related
  auxiliaryChunkIdHints: Array<string>;
  info: {
    // whether the asset is minimized
    minimized: boolean;
    // A flag telling whether the asset is only used for development and doesn't count towards user-facing assets
    development: boolean;
    // A flag telling whether the asset ships data for updating an existing application (HMR)
    hotModuleReplacement: boolean;
    // sourceFilename when asset was created from a source file (potentially transformed)
    sourceFilename?: string;
    // true, if the asset can be long term cached forever (contains a hash)
    immutable: boolean;
    // true, when asset is javascript and an ESM
    javascriptModule?: boolean;
    // the value(s) of the chunk hash used for this asset
    chunkHash: Array<string>;
    // the value(s) of the content hash used for this asset
    contentHash: Array<string>;
  // related assets, like source-map
  related: StatsAsset[];
  // whether the asset exceeds performance.maxAssetSize
  isOverSizeLimit?: boolean;



type StatsChunk = {
  // The list of product files contained in the chunk
  files: Array<string>;
  // The list of attached product files contained in the chunk
  auxiliaryFiles: Array<string>;
  // Chunk ID
  id?: string;
  // List of chunk names contained within this chunk
  names: Array<string>;
  // The runtime used by the chunk
  runtime: Array<string>;
  // Size of the chunk (in bytes)
  size: number;
  // Total size of chunk modules group by the output type (in bytes)
  sizes: Record<string, number>;
  // Chunk hash
  hash?: string;
  // Whether the chunk contains the rspack runtime
  entry: boolean;
  // Whether the chunk is loaded on initial page load or on demand
  initial: boolean;
  // Whether the chunk went through Code Generation
  rendered: boolean;

  // Parent chunk IDs
  parents?: Array<string>;
  // Children chunk IDs
  children?: Array<string>;
  // Sibling chunk IDs
  siblings?: Array<string>;

  // Chunk create reason when splitting hunks (need to enable `optimization.splitChunks`).
  reason?: string;
  // List of idHints of the cache groups hit when splitting chunks (need to enable `optimization.splitChunks`).
  idHints: Array<string>;

  // List of origins describing how the given chunk originated
  origins: Array<{
    // Path to the module
    module: string;
    // ID of the module
    moduleId: string;
    // The identifier of the module
    moduleIdentifier: string;
    // Relative path to the module
    moduleName: string;
    // Lines of code that generated this chunk
    loc: string;
    // The dependency request in the module
    request: string;

  // List of modules contained in the chunk, for details, refer to the "Module Object"
  modules?: Array<StatsModule>;



type StatsModule = {
  // Module ID
  id?: string;
  // Module source type
  moduleType: string;
  // A unique identifier used internally
  identifier: string;
  // Path to the actual file
  name: string;
  // Estimated size of the module in bytes
  size: number;
  // Total size of module group by the output type (in bytes)
  sizes: Record<string, number>;

  // Whether the module went through loaders and parsing
  built: boolean;
  // Whether the module went through code generation
  codeGenerated: boolean;
  // Whether the module is run during the compilation (you can see it while using css-extract)
  buildTimeExecuted: boolean;
  // Whether the module is cached
  cached: boolean;
  // Whether the module can be cached
  cacheable: boolean;
  // Whether the module is optional, and if it is optional, only a warning will be issued when the module is not found
  optional: boolean;
  // Whether the module is dependent by other modules
  dependent?: boolean;

  // List of reasons why the module is introduced, similar to the structure of
  reasons?: Array<JsStatsModuleReason>;
  // Unique identifier of the parent module
  issuer?: string;
  // Parent module ID
  issuerId?: string;
  // Path to the actual file of parent module
  issuerName?: string;
  // Reference path from the entry to the current module
  issuerPath: Array<JsStatsModuleIssuer>;
  // Absolute path used by the module for conditional matching (usually the resource path)
  nameForCondition?: string;
  // The top-down index of the module in the ChunkGroup
  preOrderIndex?: number;
  // The bottom-up index of the module in the ChunkGroup
  postOrderIndex?: number;
  // The level in module graph
  depth?: number;
  // Whether the module is not included by any chunk
  orphan: boolean;
  // List of IDs of chunks that contain the module
  chunks: Array<string | undefined | null>;
  // List of assets generated by the module
  assets?: Array<string>;

  // Whether the module compiles failed
  failed: boolean;
  // Number of errors
  errors: number;
  // Number of warnings
  warnings: number;

  // Used module exports, true indicates that all are used, string[] indicates that some fields are used (need to enable `optimization.usedExports`)
  usedExports?: null | string[] | boolean;
  // List of fields exported by the module (need to enable `optimization.providedExports`)
  providedExports?: null | string[];
  // Optimization bailout reasons (need to enable `optimization.concatenateModules`)
  optimizationBailout?: null | string[];

  // If current module is generated by scope hoisting, this is the list of the original modules (need to enable `optimization.concatenateModules`)
  modules?: Array<JsStatsModule>;

  // Source code
  source?: string | Buffer;

  // The compilation time statistics for each phase (in milliseconds, need to enable `profile`)
  profile?: {
    // Finding the module
    resolving: number;
    // Compiling the module
    building: number;



type StatsEntrypoints = Record<string, StatsChunkGroup>;
type StatsNamedChunkGroups = Record<string, StatsChunkGroup>;

type StatsChunkGroup = {
  // Name of the entry
  name: string;
  // List of IDs of the chunks included
  chunks: Array<string | undefined | null>;
  // Assets generated by the chunk group
  assets: Array<{
    // File name
    name: string;
    // File size
    size: number;
  // Total size of the assets generated by the chunk group
  assetsSize: number;

  // Auxiliary assets generated by the chunk group
  auxiliaryAssets?: Array<{
    // File name
    name: string;
    // File size
    size: number;
  // Total size of the auxiliary assets generated by the chunk group
  auxiliaryAssetsSize?: number;
  // Ordered children chunk groups, order by preload/prefetch
  children?: {
    // preload children chunk groups
    preload?: Array<StatsChunkGroup>;
    // prefetch children chunk groups
    prefetch?: Array<StatsChunkGroup>;
  // Assets of ordered children chunk groups, order by preload/prefetch
  children?: {
    // preload assets
    preload?: Array<string>;
    // prefetch assets
    prefetch?: Array<string>;
  // Whether the assets of this entrypoint exceeds performance.maxEntrypointSize
  isOverSizeLimit?: boolean;



type StatsError = {
  // Visual message of the error/warning
  message: string;
  // Related source file
  file?: string;
  // Detail info of the error/warning
  details?: string;
  // Stack info of the error/warning
  stack?: string;

  // Unique identifier of the module where the error/warning occurs
  moduleIdentifier?: string;
  // Relative path of the module where the error/warning occurs
  moduleName?: string;
  // ID of the module where the error/warning occurs
  moduleId?: string;
  // Module import trace from entry module
  moduleTrace: Array<{
    // parent module
    origin: {
      identifier: string;
      name?: string;
      id?: string;
    // imported module
    module: {
      identifier: string;
      name?: string;
      id?: string;

  // ID of the related chunk
  chunkId?: string;
  // Name of the related chunk
  chunkName?: string;
  // Whether the related chunk is an entry chunk
  chunkEntry?: boolean;
  // Whether the related chunk is an initial chunk
  chunkInitial?: boolean;